Sunday, November 2, 2014

(ေဆးလိပ္မဖ်က္နုိင္သူမ်ားအတြက္ ေန.စဥ္စားေပးရမည္.အစားအစာမ်ား)

(၃) Carrot ေဖ်ာ္ရည္ 
(၄) Spinach ရြက္ 
It is rich in vitamin C and B5. Smoking reduces
 the levels of vitamin C in the body. 
Eat more broccoli to eliminate 
the nicotine from your organism. 
Orange juice is rich in vitamin C.
 Regular consumption of oranges 
will boost your metabolism and relieve stress. 
Carrot Juice 
If you smoke, then you should know that
 every time you light a cigarette
 the nicotine remains in your body
 for three days. Nicotine also damages your skin.
 Carrot juice is good for the skin, and it rich in 
vitamins A, C, K and B, that are proven to be efficient in removing the nicotine from the body. 
Spinach is one of the healthiest vegetables, 
because it is not only rich in vitamins, 
but also contains large amounts of folic acid. 
Kiwi Fruit 
This miracle fruit will help you eliminate 
the nicotine from your body. 
 Kiwi is a rich source of vitamins A, C and E.
 When you smoke, the levels of these vitamins reduce. 
Smoking dehydrates your body.
 According to many researchers, 
by drinking plenty of water you can stop 
smoking and eliminate the nicotine from your body.

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