Causes and Symptoms of Food Allergies in Babies
အစာစားရန္ အာသီတမရွိျခင္း၊
မူးေဝျပီး သတိလစ္ျခင္း၊ အစာမ်ားအံျခင္း။
ဖူးေယာင္ျခင္းနွင္. လွဳပ္လွဳပ္ရြရြျဖစ္ျခင္း။
၆လမတုိင္မီ မိခင္နုိ.တုိက္ရန္အေရးၾကီးပါသည္။
၆လေက်ာ္ပါက နြားနုိ.နွင္.ၾကက္ဥစသျဖင္. ေက်ြးေမြးရန္။
ဂ်ံဳ ၊ ေျမပဲ၊ပဲပုပ္ နွင္. အခံြမာေရထြက္ သတၱဝါမ်ား
သစ္ၾကားသီး စားျခင္းကုိ ကုိယ္ဝန္လြယ္ခ်ိန္နွင္.
ကေလးနုနယ္ ခ်ိန္တြင္ မစားရန္ အေရးၾကီးပါသည္။
(ပုိမုိသိလုိပါက ေအာက္မွာဆက္လက္ေလ.လါနုိင္သည္)
The Top 8 Allergenic Foods
Every step of a baby’s growth is a challenge for a mother.
Transformation of food habits from only milk
to majorly milk and few foods,
then to majorly foods and some milk is
a common yet challenging part for the mother,
as every new food you start with,
can have an associated allergic reaction.
There are nearly 160 allergic foods
identified for babies,
among which 8 foods are very common and
they are the cause of allergies 90% of the times.
The top 8 allergic foods are:
wheat, soy, milk, egg, peanuts, shellfish,
tree nuts such as walnuts/almonds, and fish.
Most of the time, peanuts are avoided till
your baby is 3 years of age.
Ask your paediatrician for any doubts as they can guide you correctly.
Allergy Symptoms
The symptoms of food allergy can present very fast.
You need to observe your baby for few minutes to
1 to 2 hours, when you are trying a new food.
Keep an eye for such symptoms. They can be:
• Flushed skin / Redness /Rash
• Difficulty in Breathing
• Cough or Wheeze
• Loss of Consciousness/Faintness
• Vomiting / Diarrhea
• Hives or Welts
• Swelling of the Face, Tongue or Lips
How to Prevent Food Allergy in Babies
There is no clear evidence as to why babies develop food allergy,
whether it is due to the mother eating few foods
during pregnancy or whether it is
something related to breast feeding.
It is also unclear that, if babies are exposed
to few foods at a particular period,
they will work as a stimulus to develop immunity and
prevent further allergies in future.
Prevention Measures
Exclusive Breastfeeding
Apart from the allergies many other problems that
babies face can be prevented by exclusive breast feeding.
This is a proven fact. Exclusive breast feeding is characterized by
feeding the baby only with breast milk till
the age of 6 months, or at least for 4 months
without starting on any other foods.
Introducing Foods One by One
Weaning from breast milk
and addition of new foods is done after 6 months of age,
that too, slowly one by one.
It is recommended that after six months
you can begin with allergic foods such as
cow’s milk and egg one by one, with gaps in between.
This way, you can sort out if the baby is
allergic to some food specifically.
Careful with Peanuts
As we discussed earlier,
peanut allergy can persist for life time.
So, be careful while giving peanuts to your baby.
Especially, if one of the family members has history of
allergy or Eczema, such babies are prone to food allergies.
If you do not have allergy to peanuts then
you can safely eat peanuts during your pregnancy
and while you are breastfeeding your baby.
The recent area of research is the benefit of
probiotics in various health issues.
Probiotics are even thought to benefit
in preventing food allergy in babies,
when you take them during pregnancy or
when they are mixed with formula feeds
in moderate quantities, but this has to be
researched further for making conclusions.